All files / src/internal/client/dom/blocks html.js

98.21% Statements 110/112
97.22% Branches 35/36
100% Functions 3/3
98.09% Lines 103/105

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { derived } from '../../reactivity/deriveds.js';
import { render_effect } from '../../reactivity/effects.js';
import { current_effect, get } from '../../runtime.js';
import { is_array } from '../../utils.js';
import { hydrate_nodes, hydrating } from '../hydration.js';
import { create_fragment_from_html, remove } from '../reconciler.js';
import { push_template_node } from '../template.js';
 * @param {import('#client').Effect} effect
 * @param {(Element | Comment | Text)[]} to_remove
 * @returns {void}
function remove_from_parent_effect(effect, to_remove) {
	const dom = effect.dom;
	if (is_array(dom)) {
		for (let i = dom.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			if (to_remove.includes(dom[i])) {
				dom.splice(i, 1);
	} else if (dom !== null && to_remove.includes(dom)) {
		effect.dom = null;
 * @param {Element | Text | Comment} anchor
 * @param {() => string} get_value
 * @param {boolean} svg
 * @param {boolean} mathml
 * @returns {void}
export function html(anchor, get_value, svg, mathml) {
	const parent_effect = anchor.parentNode !== current_effect?.dom ? current_effect : null;
	let value = derived(get_value);
	render_effect(() => {
		var dom = html_to_dom(anchor, parent_effect, get(value), svg, mathml);
		if (dom) {
			return () => {
				if (parent_effect !== null) {
					remove_from_parent_effect(parent_effect, is_array(dom) ? dom : [dom]);
 * Creates the content for a `@html` tag from its string value,
 * inserts it before the target anchor and returns the new nodes.
 * @template V
 * @param {Element | Text | Comment} target
 * @param {import('#client').Effect | null} effect
 * @param {V} value
 * @param {boolean} svg
 * @param {boolean} mathml
 * @returns {Element | Comment | (Element | Comment | Text)[]}
function html_to_dom(target, effect, value, svg, mathml) {
	if (hydrating) return hydrate_nodes;
	var html = value + '';
	if (svg) html = `<svg>${html}</svg>`;
	else if (mathml) html = `<math>${html}</math>`;
	// Don't use create_fragment_with_script_from_html here because that would mean script tags are executed.
	// @html is basically `.innerHTML = ...` and that doesn't execute scripts either due to security reasons.
	/** @type {DocumentFragment | Element} */
	var node = create_fragment_from_html(html);
	if (svg || mathml) {
		node = /** @type {Element} */ (node.firstChild);
	if (node.childNodes.length === 1) {
		var child = /** @type {Text | Element | Comment} */ (node.firstChild);
		if (effect !== null) {
			push_template_node(child, effect);
		return child;
	var nodes = /** @type {Array<Text | Element | Comment>} */ ([...node.childNodes]);
	if (svg || mathml) {
		while (node.firstChild) {
	} else {
	if (effect !== null) {
		push_template_node(nodes, effect);
	return nodes;